Be the First
Meet the Gamma Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Delta Pi which Joined UNT in 1953
Alpha Delta Pi was founded on May 15th, 1851 at Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia
Their Philanthropy is The Ronald McDonald House
Azure Blue and White are their Colors
The Flower of the Sorority is the Woodland Violet
The Diamond is their symbol and their Mascot is Alphie the Lion
Alpha Delta Pi was founded as the First Fraternity for Women

The Alpha Delta Pi house is the place that our sisters ran home to on Bid Day, where they found their bigs and littles, and where they discovered true sisterhood. Although ADPi isn't one place or person, our house is the center of our sisterhood. A place where any sister can come to at any time and know that it's home.
The Alpha Delta Pi house is home to 26 girls, including the house mom. There are 12 bedrooms upstairs that hold 2 girls per room. The rooms downstairs include 2 bedrooms for the President and the house mom, a newly renovated kitchen with 2 full size refrigerators, individual food lockers, a dining area, a lounging parlor, and more. ADPi's house mom is an amazing UNT alum who stocks the snack cabinets and watches out for the sisters when they need her. ADPi hosts many events at the house including their Big Little Reveal, mixers, sisterhood events, and many more. Their biggest events held at the house are their semi-annual philanthropy events supporting the Ronald McDonald House Charities. ADPi hosts an ADPizza event in the fall and their Shipwreck Spaghetti dinner in the spring as a part of their philanthropy week, ADPisland.

My name is Kelly Newman and I have the honor of serving as President of Alpha Delta Pi at the University of North Texas! Being a part of a diverse sisterhood of strong women with a passion for philanthropy and heart for supporting each other, has shown me what sisterhood truly looks like. My sisters have become my second family. We often go to coffee shops to study, dress up for themed sisterhood events, get ready for football games together, and make the memories we will remember for a lifetime. Having this inspiring group of women support me through my college education has been life-changing. I am truly blessed to be a part of this sisterhood and am grateful for all of the lifelong friendships I have made in my time at Alpha Delta Pi!